Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pakistan:A Potential Power

Pakistan is a nation of 170 million strong people and is the 2nd largest Islamic nation after Indonesia.Emerging on the world map 62 years ago,this nation has yet to reach the heights it was destined to reach.It has shown time and again that it has all the makings of being a potential global power!
From causing the disintegration of the United Soviet Socialist Republic which resulted in the end of Cold War,to it's students setting world records by getting 23 A's Pakistanis have achieved laurels in diverse fields.Pakistan is the 9th country of the world to achieve nuclear status which has made it's already formidable defences impregnable.Pakistan has the 6th largest army of the world.It belongs to the exclusive class of countries which are building their own aircrafts,drones,submarines and even cruise missiles.Pakistan has the world's 3rd largest coal reserves.World's 2nd largest salt mine Khewra is also present in Pakistan.The ancient trade route "Silk Road" passes through here which imparts significant geographical importance to Pakistan.Chinese and Pakistani engineers and workers gave up their lives to rebuild it which is now known as the "Karakoram Highway" and is the world's highest metalled road.The world's 2nd highest mountains "K-2 Mount Godwin Austen" also graces this diverse country which has everything from excess to sea to deserts to fertile lands to mountainous areas.There is plenty of potential which is waiting to get exploited and we as the upcoming generation have every responsibility to bring that potential forth.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Rekodiq: Pakistani rendition of El-Dorado!

El-Dorado is  Spanish for the gold one. It is said that a tribal chief of Muisca tribe was covered in gold dust as a religious rite and then he dove into a lake. It was a local legend that the city under his command was extremely rich and the Spanish conquistadors set out for the legendary city in 1540 under Gonzalo Pizarro. However,this expedition and many others were abandoned because of disease,hunger and death.
El-Dorado came to be associated with any place which held vast amounts of wealth. The Eldorado County in California and towns and cities in many other states were named after it.Fast forward 6 centuries and we are not in the Americas anymore.We are talking about our very own country Pakistan and it's desolate province Balochistan.

Reqodiq is a small town 70 kilometres from Naukandi in the Chagai district near the Pak-Iran-Afghanistan border.It means sandy peak and is also the name of an ancient volcano. Recently gold and copper reserves estimated at a US 260 billion dollars and copper reserves worth 3 trillion dollars were discovered there.
This discovery signaled a positive change in the life of Baloch people who have been oppressed by their tribal leaders for centuries. However,this was not the case to be. Like ElDorado corporate giants from all over the world gathered to strike the golden hen. While Eldorado was legendary,this is not the case with Reqodiq which is under threat of falling victim to corruption. The Tethyan Copper Company(TCC) is a company with questionable credentials which was given the contract for mining.The judge who is hearing the case of reqodiq has served in the capacity of lawyer for the said company which makes it all the more suspicious.Balochistan which was to be given the share of 60 million dollars is not being given that and there are some shady dealings going on.Nobody knows who is going to get what. Reqodiq is a national treasure of Pakistan and we as it's citizens will not allow anyone to sell us out.The hands behind this corruption should be exposed and then made an example of so that no one can dare think of such a thing in the future.

The Curious Case of Raymond Davis

27th January,2011.
An American citizen supposedly named Raymond Davis attacks and kills two Pakistani motorcyclists and calls for help. The car that came to help him ran over another passerby resulting in one casualty and multiple injuries. The person was apprehended and the police got a 6 day remand. The US Consulate and the Embassy after first seeking diplomatic immunity for the accused have now demanded of the Pakistani government to free Davis.
The most surprising thing is that the person's name is not as stated and he was running amock in the streets of Pakistan with a fake name and fake papers. Let me tell the US that they have a hell lot of courage to "demand" anything of Pakistan. We're not your slaves and you can't "demand" anything of US!We are a proud nation and we bow down to none. If you think that your citizens can come here and kill Pakistanis and then walk away free then you're wrong! This man will be given a fair trial. He committed multiple crimes.Not only did he kill 2 people and caused another death and several injuries he entered this country illegally by forging documents and traveling under a false name and that is against PAKISTANI LAW!
Let me tell you here what YOU said to us when Pakistan asked for the release of Prisoner 650 Dr.Aafia Siddiqui that she'll be put to trial for being a threat to United States sovereignty. You sentenced a mother to 86 years in jail when she did not even fire a single bullet. When she was arrested by the Afghan Police she was accused of having hand written notes about the WMDs and instructions on how to shoot down drones. Do you think that we are fools ? Do you think that any person can carry instructions to make a WMD in their handbag? You think it's a toy and if it was so easy then every other terrorist organization would be communicating instructions to make WMDS !And then you accused a lady of having grabbed the rifle of a professional soldier and injuring her interrogators!So much so for your soldiers that they can be outsmarted by an untrained woman! Hell NO we are not Idiots.
It is not the right of United States government to demand anything of the Pakistani government. It is MY right and it is the right of EVERY Pakistani to demand anything from the government because our vote put you there. If we let you govern us we can take it from you too. This is a litmus test for the Pakistani government.How much it cares about it's people and whether they have any self-respect or not. Because WE have our Self Respect and anyone who tries to take it from us will be thrown aside.
Governments everywhere in the Muslim world are falling Tunisia and now Egypt and if this government does not listen to the voice of it's people it'll share the same fate.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Astable Multivibrator using 555 timer

Ok so I am back. I guess I don't have anything better to do in the world!The Astable multivibrator is stable in two states i.e the low and high and it keeps on oscillating between them with a specific time period determined by the values of resistors and capacitors used. Now we come towards the connections ... Pin  8 is Vcc so it's connected to positive terminal of battery .. here let me tell you that in almost  every IC the last one will be Vcc ... connect pin 1 to negative terminal of the battery and connect your output to pin 3 which can be anything either an LED or speaker.A resistor R1 we'll call it is connected between pin 4 and 7.Another resistor R2 is connected one leg to 7 and other to 2.Pin 6 is connected to 2 and 2 is grounded through capacitor C1.The discharge time is:
Charging time is: tc=0.693*R2*C1
Time period is : T=td+tc
Frequency with which LED will flash is: f=1/T so by adjusting the values of resistors and capacitors you can make the circuit resonate at any frequency. The working principle behind this behavior is that when capacitor is being charged the LED flashes but as the capacitor is fully charged it behaves as open circuit and no current flows. A flip-flop which is part of the IC's internal circuitry comes into action and causes the capacitor to discharge through resistor R2 in this way a pulse train of required frequency is generated.
For a demo watch my video on Youtube!

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Monostable configuration of 555 IC.

555 IC is a timer IC which can be operated in four modes: the astable,monostable,bistable and schmitt trigger(NOT Gate). Right now I'm going to talk about the monostable configuration. The reason it's called monstable is that it's stable in one state which is pretty much obvious and that state is "low", it's "high" state is short lived and dies down quickly.Now let me quickly describe the pins of the IC.Counting starts from the small dot. Pin 1 is ground, pin 2 is trigger, pin 3 is output, pin 4 is reset, pin 5 is control, pin 6 is threshold, pin 7 is discharge and pin 8 is Vcc where you plug in the positive terminal of your power supply. Now to get the circuit running, you connect the pin 1 to negative of power supply. Pin 2 is the trigger so we connect a switch there which is used to trigger the response, the other terminal of switch is connected to +ve of power.Pin 3 is the output where you'll observe the response.You can connect basically anything LED, speaker etc. Pin 4 is the reset. What happens is that when the capacitor gets charged it behaves as an open circuit and no current flows resulting in the stable "low" state. To generate another response,we press the reset button to discharge the capacitor. You connect the pin 5 to a 0.01 microF capacitor which is grounded. This pin is used just to regulate the power. Pin 6 is threshold , the capacitor in use C1 is connected across it and the other leg of capacitor is grounded, pin 6 is also connected to pin 7 and then a resistor R1 is connected to it which then connects to +ve of power supply.Pin 8 is Vcc so we connect it to the power supply or battery or watever you are using!The formula used to calculate the time period is :
The LED will flash momentarily and then it'll go blank until you decide to reset the process with the switch you installed!That's it ... Next up is the Astable Configuration.

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